
Adriana Santamaría Chaves

Adriana Santamaría Chaves

Patient Demographics: Babies, Children, Adult, Elderly
The information in this profile is responsability of the doctor

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Procedures (42)

General Inquiry
24-hour ambulatory pressure MAP
Accompaniment to medical consultations with the patient
Anti-age Cocktail
Basic Dose Vitamin C (7.5g)
Basic Hydration with B Vitamin Complex
Vaccine against Tuberculosis
Blood glucose by micro method
Breastfeeding advice
DPT vaccine
Health education
Hepatitis A Vaccine
Hepatitis B Vaccine
Hexavalent Vaccine
House visit
Influenza Virus Vaccine
Injection of injectable medications
Medication administration
Mega Dose Vitamin C (22.5g)
Meningococcal Vaccine
Meyers Cocktail
Online Medicine
Pentavalent Vaccine
Placement of bladder and nasogastric tubes
Placement of intravenous medications
Platelet Rich Capillary Plasma
Pneumococcal Vaccine
Polio Vaccine
Rabies vaccine
Rotavirus Vaccine
Shift-based home nursing care
Viral triple vaccine
Super Dose Vitamin C (15.0g)
Suture Removal
Taking Pre-Surgical Samples
Tetravalent vaccine
Vaccine against Typhoid Fever
Varicella Vaccine
Weight control
Yellow Fever Vaccine
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Medical conditions (3)

Bladder problems
Burning during urinating
Urinary tract infection (UTI)

General Info

